Thursday, May 5, 2011

A great fantasy fiction author

Diana Wynne Jones is one of my favourite authors ever. It was really sad to hear that she has passed away.

One of the best fantasy fiction novels I've ever read was Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones.

This story has it all - magic, mystery, alternate universes and amazing creatures.
After inexplicably upsetting the wicked Witch of the Waste Sophie Hatter finds herself changed. It's not long until she realises that the Witch has turned her into a 90 year woman! Sophie decides to leave her small village and somehow ends up at Wizard Howl's castle. Not sure what to do, Sophie forces herself into the castle and hopes that Howl will find a way to stay until Howl agrees to help her. The problem is, the powerful spell prevents her from revealing to anyone that she is under an enchantment.

Hayao Miyazaki of Studio Ghibli made the story into a movie, which was great too. Not quite as good as the book, but still, pretty amazing. One of the highlights of the film is the fantastic animation. It also stars Billy Crystal as the voice of Calcifer (Howl's fire demon).

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